Nature Journalling with Steve Pardue

  • Selected Saturdays (see event info for dates), 2 - 4pm
  • Tickets From £20
  • White Room
Nature Book 3A

Workshop dates: Saturday 17 August

Have you ever wanted to create a nature journal but don’t know where to start? This workshop will - hopefully - fix that!

Let local artist and designer Steve Pardue take you through the process he follows for creating journals. Drawing on examples from his own journals of nature, Steve will show you how to create a body of work by simply recording, in your own way, the things you see every day.

Steve now looks back on his earlier journals and can not only see how his artistic style has evolved and changed but more importantly he can look up the dates when he first saw sand martins arrive for the summer, or when the last swift left, or when the first chiff chaff … well chiff chaffed!

There's no rules and no great artistic skill required, just observation and a daily habit of drawing.

Steve will show you the materials and the techniques he uses and weather permitting, participants can look forward to spending some time outdoors looking at the nature around us before coming back indoors to draw from their observations.

Please note: Participants need to buy a nature journaling kit, available when booking online (select the Workshop & Journalling Kit option) or from Queen's Hall Box Office on the day of the workshop, for a discounted price of £10. 

About Steve Pardue   

"I am an artist and designer, living and working in Northumberland. I combine my love of walking and nature with my art and fill my notebooks with poetic and immersive responses to nature and the world around me. Often my work includes words from music and literature…as well as my own words that spring from nature. I work mainly in fountain pen and watercolour.

My daytime job is delivering public art commissions and design for outdoor spaces through my design agency from my studio in Hexham."


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