Illuminated Sheep Exhibition

  • Saturday 20 July – Saturday 24 August
  • Tickets: Free
  • Gallery One
Illuminated Sheep (2)

Monday - Saturday (10am - 12pm | 1 - 4pm)

We're delighted to announce that some of the Illuminated Sheep flock will be on display in Gallery One this summer offering anyone the chance who hasn't yet seen the acclaimed arts installation yet the chance to #FindtheFlock at Queen's Hall!

Expect Sheep inspired fun for all the family and a celebration of everything the flock have been up to so far!

Led by Queen’s Hall Arts, Illuminated Sheep first lit up Northumberland to celebrate the arrival of the Lindisfarne Gospels in the North East in the autumn of 2022.

Illuminated Sheep by artist Deepa Mann-Kler was inspired by the Gospels’ themes of light and pilgrimage. The flock of life-sized sheep lit up in bright colours with a mesmerising soundscape have already visited some of the region’s most iconic locations including Alnwick Garden, Bamburgh Castle, Vindolanda and Woodhorn Museum.

Find out more about the wider project here.

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